Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Verticutting Tees

We have recently completed verticutting our tees. Verticutting is an important cultural practice that we implement several times a year on our tees and greens. We use special blades that cut straight up and down in order to stand up grass that has been laid over sideways. The blades will also cut into the thatch layer and remove some of it. We then use a traditional set of blades to cut the grass. We achieve a much better cut when the grass is standing upright. Finally, we lightly topdress the playing surface with sand. This practice will improve turf density, water infiltration and the likelihood of disease.

Verticutting #1 Gold Tee
Thatch, stolons, and grass leaves that were pulled up by the verticutter.
#5 Gold Tee after being verticut. Notice how the grass is now standing upright.

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