Thursday, June 5, 2014

Algae Update

We have noticed the development of Black Algae on some of our greens. Black Algae invades certain spots on our greens during times of cloudy, wet weather. We are taking steps to reduce the amount of algae by applying algaecides. We will also reduce the amount of algae through our usual cultural practices like verticutting, aerification, and topdressing. These practices will all help to improve the density of our greens which will reduce the amount of algae on them.

Small spots of algae on #10 green

"Squaring Off" Tees: #10 Purple Tee

We have completed the first cut of #10 purple tee. You will notice that the newly cut portion of this tee is not as low as our other tee surfaces. This is because we will be gradually lowering the height of its cut. In doing so we will be effectively training the grass to survive at its new height. Some browning of the grass is expected during this transition but will clear up as the grass acclimates to its new height.

This is the tee as it was before we had squared it off.

We measured all sides of the tee to make sure that it was rectangular.
The new shape of the tee.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

"Squaring Off" Tees

We will be attempting to "square off" some tees on the course. The current shape of our tees limits the amount of playable hitting areas on them. We will begin to gradually reduce the height of cut to some of the tees that have grown in over time. These tees still maintain a healthy stand of Bentgrass in what is now the rough surrounding them. We will be squaring off the purple tee on # 10 today.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Verticutting Tees

We have recently completed verticutting our tees. Verticutting is an important cultural practice that we implement several times a year on our tees and greens. We use special blades that cut straight up and down in order to stand up grass that has been laid over sideways. The blades will also cut into the thatch layer and remove some of it. We then use a traditional set of blades to cut the grass. We achieve a much better cut when the grass is standing upright. Finally, we lightly topdress the playing surface with sand. This practice will improve turf density, water infiltration and the likelihood of disease.

Verticutting #1 Gold Tee
Thatch, stolons, and grass leaves that were pulled up by the verticutter.
#5 Gold Tee after being verticut. Notice how the grass is now standing upright.