Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Tree Work: Clubhouse and #16

We have recently carried out tree work at the clubhouse and on #16. We took two trees down at the clubhouse that were located on the center island. One of the trees was a liability risk and the other was greatly inhibiting growth of the surrounding turf. The stumps were ground shortly after the trees fell and the holes are due to be filled with fresh loam and seed within the next few days. now that the trees are gone, the turf on the island will no longer have to compete with them for water, sunlight, and nutrients. This summer the turf should be greener and healthier than ever.

Our hired Arborist preparing to cut the top off the large pine that was at the clubhouse
Moments after the top was cut. You can see it falling to the right of the trunk.
The rotten root flair of the large pine at the clubhouse.
We consulted with the Greens Committee and together we decided to showcase the large oak tree to the right of #16 green. In order to do so we had to remove several trees in front of it. The oak tree also needed to be pruned and cabled. The result of the work has substantially changed the look of the hole. The right side is much more open and the oak tree stands on its own. The turf will grow more readily in this area without the trees as well. 
The beautiful oak tree on #16 being pruned and cabled.
A different vantage point of the oak tree on #16. In this picture you can see how open this side of the hole is now without the trees.
The view from behind #16 green.

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