Thursday, January 7, 2016

Tree Work: Fall 2015

We have begun tree work on hole #9. We has been clearing out large pines and oaks to the left the tees. We are felling these trees in order to allow more sunlight and airflow to reach the tee. This will ensure that the tee will be more dense and healthy for the 2016 season.

Tree Work: Limbing

 Recently we have begun to limb certain trees at the clubhouse and at various points of the golf course. The trees that are being limbed are beginning to grow limbs that are either encroaching into the path of golf shots or becoming unsightly. We are limbing these trees by utilizing a rope climbing technique.

DJ climbing and pruning

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Winter Wonderland

The first snowflakes have touched down onto the fairways. The snow storm we had last Tuesday left the golf course covered in a shell of snow and ice. The shell makes for some pretty lousy golf conditions but leaves the golf course in a uniquely beautiful state. 

This picture was taken from #8 fairway. I was looking towards #18 red tee.