Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Demolition at Swim and Tennis

We began the new year by doing some demolition at the Swim and Tennis facility. We started by tearing up the carpet in the Men's and Women's locker rooms. We then removed the toilet and stalls. Once the area was clear of those obstacles we began to tear up the tile floor in the shower. We rented an impact hammer and used it to force the tiles up from the sub floor. The renovation turned out great!

Kevin tearing up the carpet in the lobby.

Kevin using the impact hammer.

Snow Mold

We have finally thawed out enough to see a few of our fairways. After such an intense winter, we were very nervous about the condition of the turf. While a majority of the fairways survived the winter unscathed, a few did not fair as well.
View of the hill on #3 from the green.

View of the approach and fairway of #12 from the green.
These fairways contracted a nasty case of Pink Snow Mold. This disease is a very common occurrence when any grass is under snow cover for a prolonged amount of time. We are fortunate that the damage that the disease causes is both cosmetic and temporary. We are happy to report that the affected fairways have already nearly recovered.

#3 fairway from the green, two weeks later.

#12 fairway from the green, two weeks later.

Bunker Face Compaction

Recently we finished compacting the faces of our bunkers. We attached a rope to a steel plate compactor and pulled it up the faces. This substantially firmed up the bunker faces. We will compact the faces of the bunkers once more this season.

Monte and TJ compacting a bunker face on #1.