Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Bunker Rennovation Update: Polymer

Fleetwood has begun to spray the Better Billy Bunker polymer.
The polymer will need 24 hours in order to bind with the gravel properly and any disruption of the gravel could compromise its integrity. We have temporarily closed off some greens that have bunkers that have been recently sprayed in order to prevent any accidental damage to the new liner. We have cut temporary cups on these holes that will only be there as long as it takes for the polymer to bind properly.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Bunker Renovation Update: Gravel

Fleetwood has begun to line our bunkers with gravel.

#12 right side bunker
Each bunker will be lined with two inches of gravel. The gravel will be sprayed with the Better Billy Bunker polymer which will bind it together. This will form the new liner for our bunkers. Fleetwood currently has seven bunkers lined with gravel. The gravel needs to be completely dry before the polymer can be sprayed and because of this the completion date for the project is somewhat weather pending. Any inclement weather will slightly delay the completion of the project.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Ground Broken on the Bunker Rennovation Project

Fleetwood Services has broken ground on our bunker rennovation!
#12 left greenside bunker
They will begin by removing the old sand, drainage, and liner from the bunkers.

#12 right greenside bunker
They will then add and compact new fill to grade the bunker.

#12 left greenside bunker
After the bunker is graded they will dig new drainage lines.
#12 left greenside bunker
The new liner will consist of two inches of gravel bonded by the Better Billy Bunker Liner. We will be maintaining 4 inches of sand on the bases and two inches on the faces creating a continuous lip around the bunker edge. 

Friday, November 1, 2013

Bunker Renovation

We are very excited about our greenside bunker renovation scheduled to begin Monday November 4th.  The bunkers will be renovated using the latest in bunker liner technology.  The bunker lining system that will be installed is The Better Billy Bunker system.  For step by step information about this bunker lining process please visit this link http://billybunker.com/the-better-method/

Please browse the rest of the Billy Bunker website to see testimonials as well as a client list of other golf courses that have the Better Billy Bunker liner system.

As the renovation progresses we will provide pictures and regular updates.