Thursday, February 28, 2013

Eastern Bluebird Nesting Boxes

This winter we decided to make our golf course a better habitat for the Eastern Bluebird. In order to accomplish this we built nesting boxes that are specifically designed for the Eastern Bluebird.
We built a total of six nesting boxes, (The seventh shown in this picture was discarded because of a problem with the wood that was used.) and spread them throughout the golf course.
Each of the nesting boxes will be monitored during the course of the season to ensure that other species are not using them.
If you are interested in building your own nesting box and would like to use the plans that we did, visit this link.

Water Cooler Restoration

We have recently started getting our water coolers ready for the season. We began by replacing all of the roofs.
Shaping the copper to fit the roofs is a delicate but rewarding process.
We also replaced the hooks that hold the doors shut and finally gave the water coolers a coat of stain.

Blizzard of 2013

The Blizzard brought us 26'' of snow and 55mph winds.
We plowed throughout the night, rarely taking any breaks
We were very thankful to have a snow blower for the clean up process. It saved time and our backs