Friday, January 25, 2013

Brush Clearing And Tree Work Around 14 Gold Tee

 14 gold tee struggles every year.  The tee is surrounded by large trees which block sunlight and thick brush which hinders air movement.  The tree above needed to be completely removed to provide sunlight to the tee.
 While some trees needed to be removed, others needed to be saved from vines which can kill trees.

Driving Range and Scoreboard Improvements

The scoreboard is the place where members congregate after each round of golf during a tournament.  The old surface was pea gravel which was messy and unsightly.  This was done shortly after the driving range block installation. This was done during the summer.

For a few years the driving range bag stand area was nothing more than a crush-and-run material which had a messy and unfinished look.  The installation of the blocks is a nice upgrade.