Wednesday, April 5, 2017

New Bunker Rakes

This year we will be replacing the majority of our bunker rakes. We have been in communication with the Greens Committee and have concluded that the membership as a whole would benefit from a different type of rake.

We put out this new style of rake last year on a few holes and received positive feedback on them. The new rakes will be similar to our old rakes but will have a longer handle and wider rake head.

These new rakes will make raking out disruptions in the sand faster and easier.

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Willow Trees Between Holes #1 and #6 and Late Season Snow

This winter we lost two willow trees that were at the ponds edge between holes #1 and #6. Willow trees are notorious for having shallow root systems and the combination of heavy, wet snow and high winds proved to be more than they could bear. We will clean up the trees as soon as we are able.

Spring is a fickle thing in New England. The new weather forecast for this weekend is predicting 3-5 inches of unwanted snow for the Ipswich area. This will once again coat our golf course in a thick layer of can't play golf.

Think warm thoughts everyone.

Monday, March 27, 2017

Tree Work #12

We are in the process of taking several trees down on the 12th hole. The trees that are being taken down are blocking sunlight to the right side of the fairway. They are also restricting air movement to the same portion of the fairways which hinders the rate at which it dries out. These conditions have been causing the decline of the turf quality on the right side of the fairway.

When the removal of the trees is complete the average turf condition of the fairway on the 12th hole should improve substantially.

#12 before

#12 after
The process will continue through the winter.

Monday, January 9, 2017

Winter Wonderland 2017

Our golf course has made its transformation into a beautiful winter wonderland. Ipswich received 6.5 inches of soft, fluffy snow on Saturday. The coating, while beautiful may be temporary. Rain and warmer temperatures are in the forecast, both of which will do a great job of turning soft, fluffy snow into wet, sloppy slush. Enjoy it while you can!

Standing near #4 red tee looking back toward #3 green.

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Tree Work on #11

The large tree in between #10 and #11 had a limb growing from it that needed to be removed. The limb showed signs of rot and was becoming a liability. We decided to remove the limb from the tree last week.

We decided to climb the tree and cut the limb down piece by piece. This was done so that each piece of the limb could fall safely onto the ground without any risk of one end of it hitting the ground and the other end coming back at the person climbing.

The strategy was implemented well and the limb was cut down safely.

Some of the visible rot

DJ clearing away small of the small branches on his way up

Another angle of DJ clearing small branches

Friday, November 25, 2016

Tree Work: Pine on #12

Last winter during a period of strong winds, a large pine tree on hole #12 fell down. The tree fell into another tree that stood next to it, snapping off a majority of its branches on one side. 

The tree that was left standing needed to be climbed and pruned of all of its damaged limbs. 

We climbed the tree without any issue and removed the damaged limbs. 

Dj climbing and limbing the damaged tree.